Buffer with accurate speed and tension

An accumulator provides a buffer between a continuously running production line and the line infeed or outfeed. This avoids having to stop the entire line when certain operations need to be done in the line, e.g. a roll change. Speeds and material tensions are accurately controlled by means of dance rollers or weight sensors.



  • There is no need to stop the production process to carry out certain operations on the line. This enables a continuous and stable production process
    • Choosing a sufficiently large accumulator capacity creates sufficient time to sew the fabric of a new roll to the previous roll at the start of the line entrance, for instance
    • For accumulators with metal detection, sufficient buffer is created to remove broken needles from the fabric, for instance
  • Different material tensions are quickly adjustable by means of recipes
  • Safe


  • Scope: nonwoven, tufted carpet, artificial grass, technical textiles, woven carpet, vinyl, etc.
  • Fabric width: up to 7600 mm
  • Fabric weight: 10 - 3500 g/m²
  • Line speed: up to 100 m/min
  • Buffer capacity: from 2 - 325 m in a single accumulator. Several accumulators can also be provided, one after the other
  • Additional metal detection or crease reduction systems are also available
  • For very stretch-sensitive products (e.g. high loft, lightly needled fabrics), the rollers can be driven in the accumulator, in order to minimise tension build-up, and consequently any narrowing in the material

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