Winding of artificial grass with centre drive

This surface winder is designed for winding artificial grass or high-piled carpet immediately after tufting. The use of a centre drive allows qualities to be wound nicely, which would otherwise often fail. This is a good alternative to lapping in a trolley.


  • Option to wind fabric qualities that cannot be wound with a standard machine
  • Ability to wind longer roll lengths
  • Compact rolls
  • Straight roll edges
  • Less or no shading
  • Roll quality is maintained during internal transport and storage
  • Reduction of provisional storage space compared to picking-up by trolley
  • These rolls are better and easier to introduce into the coating line
  • Mobile version available


  • Scope: artificial grass and high-piled tufted carpet
  • Fabric width: up to 5.1 m
  • Roll weight: up to 1000 kg
  • Roll diameter: up to 1300 mm
  • Tube diameter: 4”
  • Line speed: up to 10 m/min
  • Winding principle: surface winder where fabric comes from between the rollers that are separately driven and centre drives left and right in the tube
  • Electronic weight compensation on the centre drive
  • Easy setting of winding parameters by means of recipes, based on the fabric quality

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