Wide range of creels

With a full range of creels, we provide solutions that meet your quality and performance requirements within the space available. Our modular design makes it easy to adapt the layout of the creel to changing needs.


We have developed four basic models, all of which we can be modified to meet your individual needs:

Swivelling frame creel

Creel with rotating frames (CW-S type): This creel allows the next set of bobbins to be loaded and prepared while the warping machine processes the previous set. The bobbin frames have a foot switch to lock it after turning and smoothly replace bobbins. Mobile tensioner frames allow balloon formation to be optimised. Unwinding from either the inside or the outside of the creel available.

Fixed frame creel

Fixed frame creel (CW-F type): This creel features a fixed steel structure with suspended tensioner frames. The design leaves the floor clear for cleaning and allows excellent accessibility. This type of creel is often deployed in pairs to serve one warping machine, where one creel can be emptied while the other is loaded.

Creel with trolleys

Creel with trolleys (truck creel, CW-T type): The bobbins are loaded on double-sided trolleys with wheels that can be inserted and removed individually. While the first set of trolleys is being emptied, the spare set can be loaded to significantly reduce changeover times and improve warping productivity. Downtime is limited to the time needed to feed the trolleys in and out and to knot the yarns.

Magazine creel

Magazine creel (CW-M type): This creel allows continuous, uninterrupted yarn unwinding and is very suitable for large batch lengths. Two bobbins are provided per position. Each bobbin is mounted on an individual arm that can be rotated for easy loading and unloading. Head-to-tail knotting keeps waste to a minimum. Unwinding from either the inside or the outside of the creel available.

Tensioners and stop motion systems

Different tensioners and reliable electronic stop motion systems can be installed on Matthys creels to handle a wide variety of yarn types.


We build creels that are suitable for a variety of applications. Click here for creels for tuft. For other creels, please contact us.


  • Solid construction
  • Easy to use
  • Suitable for various applications
  • Customised solutions for every customer need
  • Modular solution for changing requirements


  • Scope: technical textiles, woven carpet, other
  • Bobbin diameter: standard up to 300 mm, larger diameters available
  • Extensive options based on customer requirements

We are happy to help you

Interested to know more? Do not hesitate to get in touch with us!